Thursday, April 7, 2011

Breastfeeding - Drinks for Mothers

It is very important to drink a lot while you're Breastfeeding. You should drink 2-3 ltrs a day on average. Best is, have a drink ready before you sit down to feed your Baby. You will always have a hand free to drink yourself. You can easily get used to a routine, having a drink beside you all the time!

Recommended Drinks are:
- Still Water (too much carbonic acid or fizz can cause colics in Baby)
- various natural teas; i.e. Mallow/Rose Mallow/various Fruit teas/Fennel/Caraway Seed (helps Babies with colics through breast milk) Be careful with Sage and Peppermint tea - it can reduce your own milk production!
- Milk is a very good nutritional supplement, but it should be boiled, since too much 'raw' milk can cause colics to sensitive Babies (be aware of Allergies)
- Juices should contain 100% Fruit Content, since Juices with less fruit content contain too many additives which can cause skin irritations or colics.
- a good Grape Juice diluted 3:1 with water
- Tea and Coffee can have a pick-me-up effect not only for you, but for your Baby as well. Whereas it is ok to drink 2-3 cups a day, try not to drink it in afternoon, if you want your Baby to fall asleep in the evening with no problems.

Avoid following drinks:
- Juice made with citrus fruits; i.e Orange-,Lemon-,Grapefruitjuice; avoid these, since they contain acid which can irritate the Babies bottom and causes nappy rash. Instead use a good Grape Juice diluted with water 3:1
- Alcohol

To give you an idea about some lovely drinks, not only for Breastfeeding, have a look under Recipes.

Hope that helped!

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